Bruno Bianchi
Peintre, triptyque, style "abstrait lyrique".
Compositeur, arrangeur, orchestrateur, instrumentiste et réalisateur sonore.
Constructeur d'instruments et d'objets sonores-musicaux.
Sculpteur sur métaux (cuivre, acier).
Réalisateur de court-métrages vidéo expérimentaux.
Triptych N ° I-2016
Version I: 30.X.2013
Version II: 13.I.2016
Acrylic, colored ink and other substances not listed.
Canvas: 30 x 90cm / 30 x 165cm / 30 x 90cm.
Assembly: 103.2cm x 165cm.
All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi.
Triptych N ° III-2016
Version I: 30.XI.2013
Version II: 19.V.2016
-----------------------All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi .-----------------------
Acrylic, colored ink and other substances not listed.
Canvas: 24 x 30cm / 30 x 24cm / 24 x 30cm.
Assembly: 88.4cm x 30cm.
Triptych N ° IV-2016
Version I: 17.X.2012
Version II: 31.V.2016
Acrylic, gouache, inks color & pigment.
Canvas: 20 x 20cm / 20 x 80cm / 20 x 20cm.
Assembly: 134.1 x 20.1cm .
-----------------------------------------All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi .--------------------------------------------
Triptych N ° V-2016
Version I: 28.VIII.2012
Version II: 17.VI.2016
All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi.
Acrylic, gouache, Indian ink, pigment & gold.
Canvas : 20 x 40cm / 40 x 20cm / 20 x 40cm.
Frame: 65.8cm x 55.7cm.
PS Private Collection
-------------All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi .-------------
Triptych N ° VIa-2016
Version I: 17.VII.2016
Acrylic, gouache, Indian ink, pigment & gold.
Canvas: 20 x 60cm / 20 x 60cm / 20 x 60cm.
Assembly: 70.2 cm x 60cm.
Triptych N ° VIb-2016
Version I: 18.VII.2016
PS Private Collection
-----------------------All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi .-----------------------
Acrylic, gouache, Indian ink, pigment & gold.
Canvas: 20 x 20cm / 20 x 20cm / 20 x 20cm.
(in progress) .
----------------All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi .----------------
Triptych N ° VII-2016
Version I: 24.II.2016
Version II: 16.VIII.2016
Acrylic, gouache, Indian ink, pigment & gold.
Canvas: 30 x 90cm / 30 x 90cm / 30 x 90cm.
Assembly: 100.1 cm x 90cm.
Triptych N ° VIII-2016
Version I: 04.IX.2014
Version II: 21.VIII.2016
-----------------------All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi .-----------------------
Acrylic and other non-listed substances.
Canvas: 40 x 40 cm / 15 x 15 cm / 40 x 40 cm.
Assembly: 40 x 105.5 cm.
Triptych N ° IX-2016
Version I: 12.VII.2013 & 11.I.2014
Version II: 11.XI.2015
Version III: 24.VIII.2016
Acrylic , color inks, pure pigments
and other non-listed substances.
Canvas: 30 x 165 cm / 40 x 120 cm / 30 x 165 cm.
Assembly: 121.7 cm x 165cm.
-----All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi .-----
T o s
d r o icts
Triptych N ° XI-2016
Version I: 05.I..2013
Version II: 29.II.2014
Version III: 05.IX.2016
Acrylic , color inks, pure pigments
and other non-listed substances.
Canvas: 18 x 24 cm / 18 x 24 cm / 18 x 24 cm.
Assembly: 18 x 84.2cm.
All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi.
Triptych N ° XII-2016
Acrylic , color inks, pure pigments
and other non-listed substances.
Canvas: 20 x 60 cm / 20 x 80 cm / 20 x 60 cm.
Assembly: 75.2 x 80 cm.
All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi.
Triptych N ° XIII-2016
Acrylic , color inks, pure pigments
and other non-listed substances.
Canvas: 40 x 120 cm / 20 x 80 cm / 140 x 120 cm.
Assembly: 120.5 x 120cm.
Triptych N ° XIV-2016
13 .XI.2016
Acrylic , color inks, pure pigments
and other non-listed substances.
Canvas: 20 x 40 cm / 20 x 80 cm / 20 x 80 cm.
Assembly : 69.7 x 80 cm.
------All rights reserved Bruno Bianchi .------
Triptych N ° XV-2016
18 .XII.2016
RF private collection
Acrylic , color inks, pure pigments
and other non-listed substances.
Canvas: 20 x 20 cm / 20 x 20 cm / 20 x 20 cm.
Assembly: 81.5 x 28.3 cm.